An eligible applicant must be:
-A high school senior, recent graduate or current college student under the age of 30.
-A regular and active participant in an Assemblies of God congregation or Chi Alpha located in the NCN district.
-Student must be pursuing undergraduate education at a regionally accredited or ABHE accredited college that is also legally affiliated with the Assemblies of God.
-Student should have at least a 3.0 GPA in their previous 2 semesters.
-Special consideration will be given to students who are children of NCN credential holders.
Application includes:
Student’s contact information
Student’s academic matriculation to date.
GPA for previous two semesters
Student video and essay: describing their involvement in A/G church or Chi-Alpha. Maximum of 300 words describing why they are enrolling in their particular program, what their academic goal is, and how this will help them fulfill what they perceive to be God’s call on their life.
Two References: one Assemblies of God minister and one educator.