The Northern California & Nevada District’s Disaster Relief Task Force has a passion to train the church how to “give a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” to help survivors of a crisis or disaster event to find a new normal in their lives that brings contentment.


We provide tools and resources that your church or organization will need through the following methods:

  • Meeting with your leadership team to develop an evacuation plan

  • Conducting Training Seminars

  • Providing Consulting services pre and post Training

Jim is a nationally appointed candidate missionary with the Assemblies of God U.S. Missions Chaplaincy department. He and his wife, Julie, launched the Phoenix Project USA in January of 2007. Through the Phoenix Project USA they will fulfill their passion of helping Christians understand the healing process that must take place after any loss.

Through training seminars they educate and train individuals and the local church how to respond to the hurting and how to network with other churches, government and non-governmental agencies during times of crisis or disaster.  In Santa Cruz County, Jim is working with local churches, government agencies and non-government agencies to serve the local community in the aftermath of a Disaster through the development of a local VOAD — Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster.

Jim is the Chairman of the Disaster Relief Task Force for the Northern California/Nevada District and is a member of the district’s Honor Bound Men’s Ministries Leadership Team.  He also represents the NorCal Nevada District at NorCal VOAD meetings as well as serves as the President of Santa Cruz County VOAD.

> Previous Ministry

Jim and Julie have been involved in pastoral ministry for over 33 years serving as youth, associate, interim and senior pastors and Christian education directors. Jim served as a Volunteer Community Chaplain with the San Jose Police Department. He also served as a Chaplain with Urban Search and Rescue Teams after the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, OK, Ground Zero in New York City post 9-11, and in Sri Lanka and Thailand post the Christmas day Tsunami in 2005.

He helped coordinate Chaplaincy ministry in the Gulf post Hurricane Katrina in August 2006 and served at Virginia Tech after the shooting on campus in April 2007.

Jim holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Ministry from Capital Bible Institute. He has a Certificate of Completion from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation in Group Basic, Advanced Group, Pastoral Crisis Intervention, Assisting Individuals and Strategic Response to Crisis.


Pastoral Crisis Intervention Training

June 5 & 6, 2023

Pastoral Crisis Intervention may be thought of as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention.  Pastoral crisis intervention represents a powerful addition to traditional community and organizational psychological support resources.  The purpose of this two-day course is to assist the participants in learning how pastoral interventions and traditional psychological crisis interventions may be effectively integrated.  Chaplains, pastoral counselors, mental health professionals, ministers, and anyone interested in the use of faith-based resources in healing should find this course of interest.



·         Nature of human crisis

·         Nature of crisis intervention

·         Signs and symptoms a crisis state

·         Stress Management after Disasters

·         The “crisis of faith”


Assisting Individuals in Crisis Training

June 7 & 8, 2023


Peer Support and helping those exposed to a Critical Incident or Crisis is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute intervention, which requires specialized training.  As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy.  Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called, “emotional first aid” or “psychological first aid”.  This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention and peer support.  It is designed for anyone who desires to increase their knowledge of individual (one-on-one) crisis intervention techniques in the fields of Crisis Intervention, Disaster Response, and Traumatic Stress.  The course provides training on Active Listening for one-on-one interventions, the benefits of PEER Support, and a brief overview of the Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) process.  This course is for Peer Support, First Responders, Church staff, medical staff, and anyone interested in assisting those exposed to a critical incident, trauma or a crisis.

***bOTH classes must meet a minimum registration - so register early! 

The cost for each course is $150 — valued at $350 each  

Register no later than May 19, 2023.  Class space is limited.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What does the fee include?

A: Registration, course books and any materials used in the class. Snacks and lunch will also be provided.

Q: If I have taken the class before, do I have to pay again?

A: The Pastoral Crisis Intervention (PCI) will allow a participant to “audit” if they previously completed both days of the PCI training by current instructor (Cyndee Thomas).

Q: If my spouse and I are both attending is there a discount?

A: Unfortunately, no. The above fee is per person.

Q: If I send several people from my church is there a discount?

A: No

Q: Why should I take this class?

A: Pastoral Crisis Intervention and Assisting Individuals in Crisis give you tools needed to meet with individuals who have suffered a loss, critical incident, trauma, tragedy or disaster. It will help you respond appropriately to those individuals.

Q: Is this class required for me to respond to a disaster?

A: Yes. All volunteers desiring to respond to a crisis or disaster require basic training. If you have specific questions, you should contact the Disaster Committee Chair for confirmation and your status.

Q: Should I take both Pastoral Crisis Intervention and Assisting Individuals in Crisis?

A: Both courses are considered part of the Basic training for the Disaster Committee.

Q: What if I can attend only 1 day of the class?

A: Participants must attend both days in order to receive a Certificate of Completion. If only one day is attended the second day would need to be completed in order to receive a certificate. There are no discounts for attending only one day.

Q: Do I need a computer/laptop for class?

A: It is not necessary as course work and lecture are done using the Course

“Giving a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name” can be the most refreshing thing we can provide for someone who is in the midst of a crisis. That “cup of cold water” can come in many forms: a meal, a smile, a helping hand, a listening ear, or a simple prayer.

If you or your church or organization would like to learn how to be equipped, prepared, trained, and networked to meet the needs of your family or community in the event of a family crisis or community disaster, please contact:

Jim and Julie Uhey
865 Monterey Avenue #K, Capitola, CA 95010
(831) 713-8826