Now is the time provide training for your children’s ministries team. It is important to prepare for newcomers and to be inviting to families. The Minor Safety Training Online course is a great tool to get training to each volunteer. It can be accessed on any device, at any time. Each course student creates their unique user name and can work on their course when it is convenient for their schedule instead of in one long sitting.

To take advantage of this MSTC register online.

NCN Minor Safety Training for any volunteer that works with minors. 

Visit the website and then take the course!  This program is reliable groundwork for safety.

Also, consider every volunteer in your church taking this course.  This program will strengthen your team and aid in providing a safe program for your children.

Every volunteer and staff person at church should take this course.

Curriculum Library

Training Opportunities

CMTV - NCNkids YouTube Channel - short episodes of training tips for Children's Ministries

Missions Awareness

Go into all the world!!

BGMC - The Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge is the Assembly of God curriculum and program for children to learn about Missions.

The NCN Kids Department has various resources available.  Also, if you are having a special missions event we can come and present a BGMC presentation to your church and/or children.

Check out the National BGMC website for missions awareness.