
District Yearbook


District Yearbook

Adopted 4.29.2021

District Bylaws
Article Twelve - Endorsed Publications
Section Two: District Council Publications

A. This District Council shall publish and distribute materials for use among its credentialed ministers, ministries and member churches.
B. The District Council shall prepare and publish the annual Yearbook of the Northern California and Nevada District Council on its webpage. This publication shall consist of the current Constitution and Bylaws, minutes of the preceding District Council Convention, roster of affiliated churches with location and contact information, and roster of credentialed ministers (without personal contact information.) The roster with personal contact information is available on the restricted area of the General Council website and the District Council website. The District will provide without charge, a printed version of the full yearbook upon request of any minister whose credentials are registered with this District Council.

District Constitution & Bylaws

Minutes of the 2022 District Council Convention

Roster of Affiliated Churches

Roster of Credentialed Ministers

District Constitution & Bylaws

District Constitution & Bylaws

 Constitution & Bylaws

Assemblies of God
Northern California & Nevada
District Council, Inc.



Executive Presbyters

David Childers
Smokey Denna
Greg Wendschlag
Ernest Spears
Andrew Huson
Willy Bowles
Eric Daniel
Michael Ciociola
Cindy Johnson
Joe Taybron
John Withers
Lindsey Severyn

Region I
Region II
Region III
Region IV
Region V
Region VI
Region VII
Region VIII

General Presbyter Honorary Executive Officer
Honorary Executive Officer

Abe Daniel James R. Braddy
Richard Hopping
Terry Inman
Harold Johnson
Gary Morefield
Will Nelken
Lehman Myatt
Jimmy Myers
Connie Pack
George Russell
Clifford Traub

Sectional Presbyters

Central San Joaquin
Coast Counties
Contra Costa
East Bay
Gold Country
Lake Berryessa
Lake Mendocino
Lassen Plumas
Mt Shasta
North Bay
North Capital
North San Joaquin
Northern Nevada

Ken Edwards
Lance Lowell
Abby Sterling
Sean Fitzhugh
Jim Heden
Brian A Johnson
Craig Andrus
Eric Lura
Kris Strickland
Smokey Denna
Ken Frazier
Caleb Klinge
Dean Deguara
David Bliss
Nathaniel Rhoads
Tim Gavigan

Sacramento Valley
Sierra Nevada
South Bay
South Capital
South San Joaquin
Southern Nevada
Valley Ridge

Jerry Heyne
David Blythe
Verna Vetter
Chris Annas
Matt Clayton
Paul Krob
Andrew Mason
Joel Krise
Dawn Annas
Jennifer Klier
Fautua Fautua
Eremasi Vabasi
Rey Bernardes
Ula Pomele
John Kraintz

Roster of Churches

Roster of Churches

Church Directory By Section

The District Church Directory is provided below grouped by Section. We have included controls at the top of the report that will allow you to group, filter, and sort to your preference. You can print the church directory by selecting the three dots and print view.


Who We Are

Who We Are

The Assemblies of God is a fellowship of Christians, Churches, Ministers, and Ministries. The Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world, with approximately 67 million members and adherents. It is also the largest evangelical denomination outside the United States and one of the fastest growing denominations in the world. 

The Northern California and Nevada District Council comprises approximately 450 churches, with 125,000 adherents, and 1500 ministers. Approximately 25% of our district churches are ethnic majority churches, representing 20 various ethnicities and languages. The Northern California and Nevada District is one of the largest Assemblies of God districts in the United States. The district hosts dozens of World and US missionaries, schools, rescue missions, and rehabilitation programs. Our churches also contribute approximately $15 million dollars each year for global causes: spiritual outreach, indigenous education and development, and humanitarian relief.

Roster of Ministers

Roster of Ministers

 Roster of Ministers Registered in the Northern California & Nevada District

For contact information, ministers are encouraged to use the General Council’s AG Minister Directory.

Standing Boards

Standing Boards

Standing Boards, Committees, and Teams

(Terms expire/commence September 1st of year shown)
Ex officio members (The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Secretary-Treasurer are ex officio members of all Boards, Committees, and Teams)

Division of Church Ministries

Leadership Teams & Area Leaders

(Terms expire August 31st of year shown)