Bret allen
District superintendent

Rev. Bret L. Allen was elected to serve as the District Superintendent of the Northern California/Nevada Assemblies of God in April, 2016. Rev. Allen has been a Youth Pastor, Missionary, Leadership Coach, District Youth Director, Author and Senior Pastor. Rev. Allen oversees the over 440 churches comprising over 129,000 adherents in Northern California and Nevada District.


Samuel Huddleston
Assistant District Superintendent

Dr. Samuel Huddleston was elected as Assistant District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Northern California and Nevada District at their annual District Council on April 21, 2004. His responsibilities include oversight of our district’s Churches, District Men’s Ministries and our NCN US Missionaries.


Jay Herndon
District Secretary-Treasurer

Dr. Jay Herndon was elected as District Secretary-Treasurer of the Assemblies of God, Northern California and Nevada District at their annual District Council on April 19, 2005. In addition to general executive officer responsibilities (assisting and advising churches and ministers, and speaking frequently in churches) Dr. Herndon’s responsibilities include oversight of the credentialing of ministers, chartering of churches, legal and property matters, insurance programs, and District finances.