Recommitment I am Making in My Leadership - pt. 3

Psalm 78:72 – Integrity of heart and skill of hand.

B. Moses made several changes due to demand on his leadership.

 I am recommitting myself to these aspects of leadership as we walk together thru 2021.


1. Moses recommitted to prayer. Exodus 18:19

2.    He re-committed to communicate – verse 20 

3.    He laid out a vision – verse 20

4.    He developed a plan – verse 20

5. He simplified his schedule to increase his effectiveness.

In a complex and busy world, people need a church that is simple.  The churches that are growing and full of life have a simple and clear way of making disciples.

  • Simple church leaders are designers. 

  • They design opportunities for spiritual growth. 

  • Complex church leaders are programmers.  

How do people respond to simple?

  •  They have Desire for it

  • They adopt Use of it

  • They develop Loyalty to it

  • They Provoke Interest of it into others

  • They Help others use it

  • They find great Contentment in it


Simple does not mean unspiritual

Spiritual does not mean complicated

Process is important through all of this.

6.    He selected and developed leaders – verse 21

7.    He released them to do ministry – verse 22

8.    He did what they could not do – verse 26

C. Smart leaders get results. verse 23

  • God gave strength to Moses

  • God gave peace to the people

These two things always appear in successful leadership.  Strength increases and peace multiplies when leaders understand that they can’t do it all – and that they are willing to change themselves to become increasingly effective.