Rock The Block California

Rock the Block is a ministry started out of New York under a ministry that was heavily connected to David Wilkerson. In his early years, David Wilkerson would walk up and down flights of stairs in the high-rise apartment buildings of New York City knocking on 10,000 doors on a Sunday morning inviting people to come down into the streets and hear the Gospel being preached.

Rock the Block was established to take the church outside of the building into the neighborhoods to the people who needed the Gospel the most. They would set-up stages, lighting, sound, and full production while having Christian dance teams, hip hop artists and testimonies being shared.

In 2008, a friend and I were inspired to go to New York, serve Rock the Block, for the purpose of bringing it back to the inner cities of California. In 2009, the two of us connected with inner city churches to bring Rock the Block California to their city to help them reach the lost. With very little resources and only a laptop to work with, dropped full production in the middle of the street on 16th Ave and Stockton Blvd in South Sacramento where we saw 2,000 people show up. That night, the altar was filled with prostitutes, gang members, drug addicts, single parents, children, and all the other people Jesus came and died for. (Watch the video to see the possibilities of what YOU can do!)


In 2010, we increased the vision for Rock the Block California to include for the community, chiropractors, haircuts, massages, resume service, dental work, groceries, and more, all completely free for anyone and everyone in need. That day 5,000 people showed up in a park where they not only received all of these services but more importantly, they heard the Gospel and once again the altars were filled with people saying goodbye to their past and hello to their future full of purpose!

Outreach is not hard, but it does take work. But the work is not work when you have a passion for souls. Let this be an encouragement today that the world is not only outside of your church waiting for you, but they are willing to receive the gift of salvation when it is shared boldly and unashamed. If two people with nothing but a laptop can do it, how much more can you and your church do?