Dean Johnson is the founder of Victory 4 Youth and has been inspiring people of all ages since 2004, bringing a message of hope and positive self-esteem to over 250,000 young people each year in high school and junior high school assemblies across the nation. He had the privilege being a part of the Oakland A's chapel team for 10 years along with motivating MLB teams such as the Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Yankees, and many others. Dean has ministered in churches, camps, prisons, locker rooms and open air outreaches nationally and internationally . It took 27 years for someone to share the Gospel with him and so it is Dean's greatest desire to spend his life doing his part to share it with others.
Founder of
Victory 4 Youth
Get Out from Behind the Fence
Witnessing Series
This is a series designed to help others to share your faith!
Periodically a short encouragement will be given to simplify what it means and how easy it is for us to share the Gospel with others.
We welcome you to share these pearls so others may also Get Out from Behind the Fence!